Even though I talked about dyeing your gray roots previously, you can also choose to just let your hair go gray.

We had a lively discussion about this topic before right here and I feel that women are split about 50-50 on what is the best thing to do.

In the end it’s a personal decision and both options can be equally fabulous.

I know that I will eventually go grey but I’m not ready just yet.

Thinking of going gray? You may enjoy reading about Elaine and how to transition into gray hair

But today let’s celebrate the beauty of women that have decided to let their hair go grey. Today we specifically celebrate long grey hair!

As you can tell from these photographs it completely dispells the myth that you cannot have long hair after 40.


Above: Jade J., friend of Denton’s and a California IT specialist.

wavy gray hair | 40plusstyle.com
long sleek gray hair | 40plusstyle.com

Want to know that colors to wear with gray hair? Check out our article on the best colors to combine with gray hair.

long dark gray hair | 40plusstyle.com

Below Lisa K., 4th generation NYC garment center company owner.

long sleek silver hair | 40plusstyle.com

Below  writer at the Brooklyn Book Festival

gray hair tied up in a bun | 40plusstyle.com

Retired runway model Cory D.

ex model with silver gray hair | 40plusstyle.com

long silver hair | 40plusstyle.com
woman with long grey hair | 40plusstyle.com

Below is model Cindy Joseph, photographed while attending the ‘Today’ show.

long wavy grey hair | 40plusstyle.com
Woman with long white hair | 40plusstyle.com

This woman below is Jo Johnson, a tea expert.

Long wild grey hair | 40plusstyle.com

This woman is the New York singer and performer Jamie deRoy.

beautiful silver hair | 40plusstyle.com

Writer Susanna Moore, photographed at the Brooklyn Book Festival.

Long sleek silver hair | 40plusstyle.com

Long gray hairstyles sent in by readers

Lissa Allan

“I love my gray hair! I almost always wear a headband (from casual to more office appropriate). When I get a chance, also love hats :>)”

long gray hair with hair band | 40plusstyle.com

Dianne Illsley

“I have been white (ie non-dye) for about 7 years, during which time I have divorced my husband, graduated in Fine Art, and turned 60 in January.”

long silver white gray hair worn with and without headband | 40plusstyle.com

Denise Buchoz

“I have waist length healthy long silvery hair that I am happy to share! The Day light image with the braid shows my true silver where as the other was taken indoors at night.”

long gray hair in a braid | 40plusstyle.com
long and curly gray hair | 40plusstyle.com

Hillary Bitar

“I have never dyed my hair!”

long silver wavy hair | 40plusstyle.com


“My hair has been all different lengths over the years. I believe we are changing perception of grey equals old. It Does Not!!!”

long and sleek gray hair | 40plusstyle.com

Beate (website)

“I have been gray since since my mid 30´s, it´s in the family. it started during a long hot summer (2003) spent with mountaineer activities – at the beginning of that autumn the red dye was bleached from the sun and very grown out. so i did cut the ends and went with gray as a test. I liked it very much and since then I have never come near a hair dye bottle again. I got even more white in recent years and would never cut my hair short because I find long hair easy to handle. The poor hairdressers have to live without me ;-)”

celebrating long silver hair | 40plusstyle.com

Melanie Wheeler

“So happy to see you feature grey long hair! I’ve never had as much fun, nor have received as many compliments (and mostly from young adults) as I do now with my Grey hair. It’s in the best shape, healthier, and SO soft!! I’m 58, and an actor specializing in Senior market commercials/advertising. I haven’t done a thing, color wize, to my hair in decades. If I’d known it was going to look like this, I’d let it go years earlier! It feels good to know that I’ve inspired others to at least try going Ala-naturale! Do not fear the Grey!”

long silver hair | 40plusstyles.com

For more gray hairstyles also see our articles on mid long hair and short gray hair with some more women sporting gorgeous gray hair.

Related articles:

Are you inspired to let your hair grow long and grey after seeing these pictures or will you continue to dye your hair?

Top 15 photos by Denton Taylor

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