I thought I would check in with a more personal article today. Quite a few changes have been happening this year and I know some of you are curious about it. Come journey with me as I show you how I’ve been traveling through Portugal to find my new home.

Although this site is about improving your style, ultimately it’s about improving your life and your experience of it. If you’re anything like me, you’re always trying to lead your best life according to your values.

For me, freedom has always been one of my strongest values.

The freedom to work when I want.

Where I want.

And how much I want.

This strong crave for freedom is one of the biggest reasons I started 40+style. If you’re interested in learning more about how that’s possible with a site like 40+style, you may find this article interesting.

40+style is now almost 10 years old!

I know… I can’t believe it either.

Starting the site is one of the best decisions I ever made. Making the site a success is one of my biggest achievements. Not only because it gave me the freedom I craved, but I also got to help many thousands of women feel better about themselves and their style and continue to do so.

I got to meet many inspiring women too. Both off and online.

A gatering with members of the 40+style community | 40plusstyle.com

It’s been both rewarding and fulfilling.

To date more than 30 million people have visited the site.

I may reflect more on 10 years of 40+style a little later in September.

a lifestyle change

Last year my husband resigned from his job. Our son went off to university in Australia, where he was born. As new empty nesters and no ‘jobs’ to go to, we could now move anywhere.

Of course that was a bit harder when the coronavirus hit when it was suddenly difficult to travel.

Still, last May we left Singapore for Portugal from an almost empty Changi Airport.

An empty Changi Airport in May 2020 | 40plusstyle.com

We craved going back to Europe and Portugal appealed to us for several reasons. We arrived with a few small suitcases as tourists ready to explore.

We had no idea where we would want to ‘settle’ as I only had been to Portugal twice for 2 fleeting visits.

Exploring and traveling through Portugal

We started our exploration in Lisbon. We have always been city people and this seemed like the natural place to start.

We walked through the many beautiful small streets of Lisbon.

Traveling through Portugal - streets in Lisbon Portugal | 40plusstyle.com

We came across this cute store solely dedicated to rubber duckies. “How can there be a market for this? “we thought. Apparently there is a big market for it. It’s a chain store! (we saw more of these stores afterwards).

Rubber Duckie Store is Lisbon | 40plusstyle.com

We visited nearby Sintra with its many historic buildings and palaces. Especially beautiful were the gardens of the Quinta da Regaleira palace where you can find the very special Knights of Templar initiation well.

Sintra  Knights of Templar initiation well | 40plusstyle.com
Sintra - a room inside the palace | 40plusstyle.com
gardens of the Quinta da Regaleira palace Sintra | 40plusstyle.com
gardens of the Quinta da Regaleira palace Sintra | 40plusstyle.com

We also visited coastal town Cascais and further north beach town Ericeira where we got a bit adventurous with mountain bikes.

Another touristic highlight was the small town of Obidos where you get taken back to the past.

Obidos Castle | 40plusstyle.com
Older man resting in Obidos, Portugal | 40plusstyle.com
Obidos | Portugal
Street in Obidos | Portugal

A pleasure of traveling through Portugal at the end of Spring is that you come across MANY stork nests.

Stork nest in Portugal | 40plusstyle.com

We later traveled South to Evora, a beautiful town in the province of Alentejo, one of the driest areas of Portugal.

The city centre is beautiful with many old streets and small restaurants.

Dining in Evora, Portugal | 40plusstyle.com

Evora has lots of histroric (Roman) monuments too.

Roman remains in Evora, Portugal | 40plusstyle.com

You’ll also come across lots of cork trees. The beauty about these trees is that they are very sustainable. After the cork has been taken off, it grows right back!

Cork trees in Portugal | 40plusstyle.com

Another highlight from this region is the Almendres Cromlech. It is thought to be the oldest stone circle in Europe, even older than Stonehenge.

Portugal has more than 150 forts and castles and you can see them literally everywhere. I especially liked the castles in Marvao and Castelo de Vide.

Castle in Portugal | 40plusstyle.com
Black and white dress at castle in Portugal | 40plusstyle.com
Wearing a colorful skirt in Portugal | 40plusstyle.com

Through several other villages we arrived in southern Portugal, in the Algarve. This is the place where normally thousands of tourists descend in July and August to soak up the sunshine.

Faro was our next accommodation stop. It’s the capital of the Algarve and the place where most tourists arrive. It’s a beautiful town which was very quiet when we visited.

Next stop was Lagos. We had marked this as a potential spot for us to live. It’s a town that attracts quite a lot of tourists but also digital nomads. These are people that run online businesses (like me) and it’s always great to meet with others that understand the work I do.

It has incredible beaches and coastlines too.

Traveling through Portugal - The Algarve Coast | 40plusstyle.com

It’s a lovely town for sure but it was also very quiet when we were there so it was difficult to get an idea of the ‘real’ vibe. I was also getting a bit tired from travelling from town to town, so I wanted a break.

I told my husband that I wanted to go to a resort with a pool and a lazy chair. My husband wanted a nice beach. We couldn’t find anything suitable in Lagos and we ended up in a smaller town just 10 minutes away from Lagos called Luz where I had a few glorious days on the beach on a lazy chair.

Wearing a green dress in Luz, Portugal

Little did I know that this ‘need’ for a bit of rest and relaxation would change the course for the year and our life moving forward.

But I will tell you more about that next week.

For now tell me, would you want to move to another country? And if yes, what country would you go?

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A year of change: Traveling through Portugal

Sylvia is 40+style’s editor-in-chief and has been helping women find their unique style since 2011. An alumni of the School of Color and Design, she is devoted to empowering women of any age to look and feel their best. Read more about Sylvia and 40+style on this page.

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