Like many of you I have been delighted by the photos of the Advanced Style ladies and now the Advanced Style movie. You can read my review here. I was therefore delighted that I could interview one of the ladies for my style series. Although I love them all, I chose Tziporah because I love the artful way she dresses and her zest for life. Find out how she approaches dressing and how you too can embrace artful dressing!

Can you tell us a little bit more about yourself?

I was born and raised in Israel to parents who both sewed for a living. My father, Itzchak Izak Salamon, was a master tailor, and my mother, Ida Dina Berner, was a gifted dressmaker. They made all my clothes. That had a profound influence on my life – I played with and delighted in clothes and dressing up since day one. And I inherited a remarkable understanding and appreciation for fine craftsmanship and the artistry of needle and thread.

As a point of reference which age group do you belong to or perhaps you are willing to share your age?

I am 64 years old.

Tziporah Salamon in blue |

How does it feel to be style star and be featured in the Advanced Style movie?

I guess it feels great although I continue to do exactly what I have always done – ie, DRESS. It’s just that I am being noticed and acknowledged for it now.

How has your life changed after being featured regularly on the Advanced Style site?

People recognize me more and I get many fan mails from all over the world but I have always been approached by people who see me and come up to me to thank me for what I do.

Tziporah Salamon |

You teach about the art of dressing? What exactly do you teach in this seminar and what do you consider artful dressing?

I teach the elements of design – form, balance, silhouette, rhythm, color, texture and how these influence how you put an outfit together. By using my vast collection of antique and designer clothes I literally show how to elevate dressing to an art form so that the viewer gets a visual and visceral understanding of what it takes.

How would you describe your own style?

Artistic, bold, graphic, dramatic, heavily influenced by ancient civilizations and using antique clothes and accessories.

What would you consider the most important components of your style?

Finely made museum-quality pieces of antique clothes from around the world assembled together in such a way that they create a portrait, a work of art.

Tziporah Salamon in red |

Do you feel you have a signature style?

Yes, my outfits are basically a variation of the same theme – I wear clothes that tell a story, that speak of a people and ancient civilizations, ancient times.

What inspires your outfit choices the most?

The craftsmanship and beauty of each individual piece.

Tziporah Salamon |

Do you take things like color profiling or body type into account when you dress?

Of course.

Has your style changed at all after turning 40?

I only got better and bolder.

Tziporah Salamon and Debra Rapoport |

Do you believe in dressing ‘age appropriately’ and what does it mean to you?

Yes. I believe that revealing too much skin- be it short skirts, cleavage or other body parts – is NOT becoming. I am old-fashioned, believing that women should always dress like a lady.

Would you say that at this stage of your life you are now more, or less interested in fashion, style and the way you look?

I am just as interested in style and great clothes as I have always been. It’s my life’s calling, my passion, my art. “Dressing” is what I do, what I have always done, what I will always do.

Tziporah Salamon |

Why is the way you look important to you?

It makes me feel good. Looking down at my body and liking what I am wearing, gives me pleasure and makes me happy. The way the clothes feel on my body, the way they move, the way they feel to the touch – all of these enhance the senses and hence my well-being.

Do you follow trends? And if yes, which trends excite you at the moment?

No, I do not follow trends.

Advanced Style movie stars |

Do you have any fashion and style tips for women over 40?

  • Know your body.
  • Accentuate the positive.
  • Choose quality over quantity.
  • Think classic and timeless and style over trends and fashion.

What are your plans for the future and what do you still hope to achieve in life?

  • Continue teaching my seminars, The Art of Dressing;
  • Performing my one-woman show, The Fabric of My Life;
  • Impacting more women and encouraging them to dress better and raise the bar;
  • Influencing the younger generations and teaching them and encouraging them to dress better, to discern between “fashion” and “style”;
  • More openings;
  • More opportunities;
  • More travel;
  • More and more and more!

The Advanced Style movie cast |

Anything further you would like to add?

I have been blessed to know from day one the joys of dressing well and having great clothes on my body. It is important to me to share this knowledge and impact how women dress and hence bring more beauty to the world.

Thanks so much for participating Tziporah! The Advanced Style movie is currently playing in theatres worldwide. A digital version of the movie is available at Itunes and on demand.  The Advanced Style DVD is now also available for purchase at Amazon.

Tziporah now also has her own book out: The art of dressing. Ageless, timeless, original style.

Would you like to become a more artful dresser?


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A style interview with Tziporah |

Photos by Ari Seth Cohen, New York of Advanced Style. Video by Lina Plioplyte

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