Chrissie is one of my favorite style bloggers. Even though I don’t read her articles and just look at the images (she writes in German) I love the way she puts outfits together and creates the most interesting silhouettes. Let’s find out more about her.

Can you tell us a little bit more about yourself?

Sure 🙂 – My Name is Chrissie and I live with my man and four chinchillas in a house in the center of Germany. I’m working in an advertising agency and the biggest part of my job is the graphic design.

I’m absolutely in love with any dog I meet and I’m totally obsessed with fashion and beauty 🙂 – my all-time favorite country is Ireland and I love shopping in Dublin.


As a point of reference which age group do you belong to or perhaps you are willing to share your age?

My age is no problem for me (only sometimes… when I first noted I need reading glasses for example :D) In November I will be 42 years old.


Can you tell us a bit more about your blog Die Edelfabrik and why you created it?

I started my blog in 2011. The main reason was, that I could not find many blogs by 35+ women in Germany. So I thought ok, let’s start one myself and and we’ll see what happens.

Now, 4 years later, my blog is a big part of me and I love my hobby. The blog is my baby 😉


How would you describe your style?

That’s not so easy, because I think my style is a “no-style”. On one day I wear a pencil-skirt with a blouse and look like Mrs. Moneypenny in an old James Bond Movie and on the other day I wear leather jogging pants in combination with a destroyed shirt. Both styles are mine. I am not “the sporty woman” or the “classy woman” – I’m Chrissie 🙂 Do you know the song “I’m every woman… it’s all in me!” Maybe those last words describe my style.


What would you consider the most important components of your style?

It is all about the mix I think. But one component that I use very often in my looks is the layering.I love mixing different fabrics and patterns.


Where do you live and how does that influence your style?

I live in a small village in Hessen, which does not influences my style in any way :). I’m quite sure that the people in my village do not approve or could not imagine wearing the kind of clothes or shoes I wear. But this is not important for me, because most times the people in my surroundings will comment on my style with a smile.


Do you feel you have a signature style?

Let me say it short and simple: No 🙂

I have often read that it is important to have one (like Anna Wintur or Catherine Roitfeld) or that it is important to have the “Parisian look”. However, I don’t believe that a signature style is essential for me. That is an advantage of being 40+: you don’t have to listen to what other people say.


What inspires your outfit choices the most?

So  many different things. Most of all: other blogs (it makes absolutely no difference to me if the blogger is 20-something or 50-something – inspiration is ageless). I also spend a lot of money on fashion magazines like Instyle, Vogue and others.


Do you take things like color profiling or body type into account when you dress?

No, sometimes maybe I should do 😀 but I hope I have a good instinct for the things I can wear and for which I can not. But my motto is always: Hey, let’s try – maybe it works.

Has your style changed at all after turning 40?

Not after turning 40 but certainly after I started blogging. I’ve become more courageous in the things I combine and wear.

Also, the opinion from other people is less important to me now. (My mother is always shaking her head whenever she sees me :D)


Do you believe in dressing ‘age appropriately’ and what does it mean to you?

Nothing! I believe in dressing with authenticity in a way that makes me feel comfortable and reflects my mood.

BUT! I also feel you should not dress to look younger. That is a bad reason for an outfit. It would just feel like a masquerade.

A style interview with Chrissie |

Would you say that at this stage of your life you are now more, or less interested in fashion, style and the way you look?

Definitely more interested! Although my blog may have something to do with that.


Why is the way you look important to you?

First of all, my look shows my mood – and sometimes I will create a specific image. When I have a presentation at my work, for example, I will take that into consideration when I dress. However, in my leisure time I will wear what I like.

Do you follow trends? And if yes, which trends excite you at the moment?

Yes, if I like a trend and I think it suits me, I follow them. I remember that 10 years ago “Culottes” were a big trend. Now that they are in fashion again,  I wear my old culottes enthusiastically. I currently also love knit-dresses in every variation and oversized sweaters.


Do you have any fashion and style tips for women over 40?

Not specifically for woman over 40… I think my tips are important for every woman no matter how old.

  • Wear what you love.
  • Wear looks which make you feel comfortable.
  • Don’t wear things only because they are trendy.
  • Be a little bit more brave sometimes!

Anything further you would like to add?

Yes, I would say: Thank you Sylvia! It is an Honour for me to be a part of your style interview series. I also love the 40+style community which is a big inspiration to me!

To see more of her fabulous style, be sure to check out her blog Die Edelfabrik.

Which of Chrissie’s outfits is your favorite?


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